
    your career & your life !



    your career & your life !

    Welcome to The Good Speech, where I believe in your potential and your ability to create the life & career (or business) of your dreams.

    I am here to :

    • guide you on your journey towards leadership and personal fulfillment.
    • help you take the reins of your career and your life and become the protagonist of your own story.

    Whether you want to grow your business, unleash your voice, or simply face challenges with confidence and positivity, I am here to support you every step of the way.

    Together, we will work on  :

    • releasing the blockages that hold you back,
    • developing your visibility and influence in your industry,
    • transforming challenges into growth opportunities.

    I will encourage you to adopt a positive mindset, to dare to take risks, and to remain steadfastly true to your vision.


    Let me guide you towards a life and business aligned with your values, desires, and full potential.

    Aurélie Houet Tanis de The Good Speech

    Unleash the CEO within you!

    Take back control of your life, reconnect with your deep essence, and let your authenticity and leadership shine through your business and your life.

    Free yourself from doubts and blockages that prevent you from expressing yourself with confidence.

    Together, we will unleash the power of your unique voice and create your ideal life.

    Aurélie Houet Tanis de The Good Speech


    It’s time to have a business or career aligned with who you are. It’s time to become a recognized player in your industry.

    I will guide you to develop a customized strategy that suits you perfectly.

    No need to get lost in complex techniques, I will support you to use simple and accessible methods for you (with some work involved) to shine within and outside of your job.


    • … being in control of your life and your business, your high energy propelling every project and nurturing your daily life.


    • … a world where every decision is a harmonious piece, contributing to the creation of your dream life.


    • … exercising natural leadership and powerful impact within your community and with your clients, an innate extension of who you are.


    • … becoming that powerful and vibrant woman, confidently pursuing ambitious professional goals while actively creating the life of her dreams.
    The Good Speech - cabinet de coaching en communication, leadership et stratégie

     My name is Aurélie, I have been the founder of The Good Speech since 2018, and I am a Business & Lifestyle Designer.

    My role?

    To guide female entrepreneurs and leaders seeking growth to become impactful leaders and to design a solid career aligned with the life they dream of.

    How I can help you…

    Aurélie Houet Tanis de The Good Speech

    Energetic Coaching Calibration

    For women who want to align their energy with their life & career goals!

    Free yourself energetically to reach your full potential. Whether it’s to achieve a revenue goal,  increase your visibility, or a personal goal. Let’s unlock the energetic obstacles that may be holding you back.

    ‘À la carte’ Energetic coaching

    Favicon The Good Speech by Aurélie Houet Tanis

    Vip Support

    For female entrepreneurs and executives seeking growth who wish to increase their impact by becoming the charismatic leaders they are meant to be.

    Discover how to reconnect with your inner self, assert your leadership in every aspect of your life, and inspire your audience. Develop a business aligned with your ideal life, and have communication, online and/or offline, that resonates with your unique essence!

    Individual coaching

    Who am I?

    Hi, I’m Aurélie, your determined and passionate guide based in California.

    With expertise in Marketing, Business Sales, Effective Coaching, and Energetic Coaching, I’m here to guide you toward your success.

    I guarantee you an authentic, honest, and unfiltered collaboration.

    What my clients think…

    Valérie Gebel de Gebhardt – Director and Coach

    «Let yourself be surprised & show up as who you are!»

    “I’ve done 3 services launches, almost effortlessly. I feel that today I am completely comfortable in front of the camera. I really don’t have the same attitude I had a little over a year ago.”

    “There was a lot of clearing with energy coaching. You have a way of coaching that is joyful, relevant, and always gives me a lot of momentum; and then, with sharpness, pertinent questions.”

    “I had a lot of joy in this coaching with you. And so it allowed me to implement big projects.”

    “There was also a much more targeted work on my clientele and my offers. We worked a lot on the offers.”

    Let yourself be surprised… Show up as who you are. I’ve often been surprised, pleasantly surprised.”

    Céline B – Entrepreneur

    «I felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders.»

    “I was caught off guard… so many emotions, feelings that I thought I had left behind long ago, resurfaced. I didn’t expect that. I didn’t think my blockages could be linked to what I had experienced more than ten years ago.

    It was an astonishing, moving, and incredibly liberating session. By the end of our conversation, I felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders.

    I would add that your kindness, the quality of your listening, and your advice also made this session a special moment for self-reflection and self-care.”

    Would you like to discuss with me to see if we could work together?

    Aurélie de The Good Speech coach vidéo et alignement


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